Sunday, March 22, 2015

Growing Acai plant from seeds: planting

I planted the acai seeds in a small plastic yogurt cup. Of course, I made a small hole at the bottom of the cup for the proper water drainage. I planted the two seeds in the same cup. I keep the soil warm and moist. I read this fact in several forums on the internet. The cup is sitting very close to my heater in the living room. Red spikes should appear in about two weeks if successful germination takes place. That will be like the first week of April. I'll provide an update then. In the meantime, every time I water the acai seeds, I'm adding to the water a vegan food plant. I'm not going to provide brand names in my posts because advertising is not the purpose of this blog unless somebody asks for the brand I use specifically. In addition, there are several brands that provide vegan food plants. I just follow the manufacturer's instructions on light feeding to promote healthy growth.

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